Friday, May 28, 2010

Kidless in Arizona

Lee and I flew to Arizona for 5 days and left the kids with their Aunty Jenn and Uncle Jesse and then my friend Andrea for a couple of days. It was the first time I have left them for more than an overnight trip to Banff. We were able to skype with them which is a video call from the computer, really neat.
Ryan and Katya and Toozik stayed with us for the first few days and my parents had been there already for a week before we showed up. We had my cousin Missy and husband Brett out for dinner the night we got in.

My parents/uncle's place is in an adult only community on a huge golf course. It's a really nice ranch style house.

Lee and I driving the golf cart around, we had fun driving it in the evening trying to dodge sprinklers. In the community alot of people drive golf carts around, I drove it to get groceries and pedicure etc.

It was enjoyable going to a huge pool with nobody in it the majority of the time. We mostly swam in the covered part of the pool so we didn't get too burned.

The full view of the outdoor pool, my mom was the only one swimming in it.

All Dad and Lee need is a cribbage board and they're entertained for hours.

Throw in a golf course and an xbox and you rarely see the two of them

Very different to see cactus trees in the mountains, I didn't know they bloom flowers at the tops of them.

Not the greatest place to go hiking, ouch.

Lee and I are excited to book our next flights there, next time with the kids. There is a family community across the street which has lots of fun stuff for kids to do.


  1. Arizona is a place where my parents would love to go to. But the flights can be somewhat on the pricey side. But it looks like you enjoyed your kid-free week.

  2. grandma debbi5/29/10, 4:25 PM

    Then we come back to THIS weather. Cant wait till that new Phoenix grandbaby comes cause I will be there LOTS more! I did miss my littleones here though....whattodo....whattodo...

  3. SSooooo why didn't you bring the sun?????? Looks awesome!!

  4. We felt the same way coming home. We can't wait to book another trip, but next time with the kids. I am so glad that you got a kid free vacation they are great, and help us to appreciate the little ones when we get back ;)
