Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Zoë turns four

My baby girl is now four, she had a super fun birthday this year which lasted for 3 days. Her birthday was Sunday so we went to the Stanfords for family dinner and Zoë got spoiled with gifts and it was decorated for a princess. She picked out her dinner which was hot dogs and fruit, she loved it.

My VERY rushed job on her birthday cake. It tasted better then it looked.

Day 2 we went to my parents place and had family dinner with them with pumpkin pie for dessert. She got to open even more presents there. I forgot to take pictures when i was there.

Day 3 Zoë said she wanted to have a sleepover for her birthday so I let her have 2 friends spend the night. They had a tonne of fun having pizza, opening presents, playing games, and watching a movie. She wanted a fairy themed birthday so I got tinkerbell the movie and bedding/nighties for them.

Zoë got to pick out a new outfit for her bunny Flopsy for her birthday, she picked a very colourful dress

Needless to say i'm ready for a NAP


  1. grandma debbi8/26/10, 8:03 AM

    You are the BEST MOM and I know cause I had the same kinda mom growing up too (still do) Jayden Zoe and Britlyn look so adorable and I bet you had to wait up very late to get that picture of them sleeping.

  2. Three beautiful little girls, so sweet. It's easy to tell how much fun they had....YAY for sleep-overs!

  3. Looks like it was a great b-day week-end for her. And you are the best mom Kristy. Doing everything and anything for your kids. Happy 4th B-Day Zoe.
