Sunday, July 20, 2008

Busy week

The kids and I have been in Calgary this week as Lee is incredibly busy with a 3 week compressed course and school, so we made it easier for him to study and to get some downtime. Here's some pictures so far, more to come soon...

Jayden and Zoë on the swings at Mckenzie Lake, it was quite humerous after the park as Zoë fell in this massive mud puddle. We were going to get a picture but Zoë was in hysterics as she does not like to be dirty.

I found Zoë hiding in a corner with my mascara, she knew mascara goes on her eyes.

I love Grandma's house as Dreyton can't go underneath the couch. This is him asleep exhausted from trying to get under.

This pool was 50% off at superstore so we couldn't resist buying it. It was such a hot day today and Zoë loved going on the slide and playing with the spray from the Giraffe's mouth.

Zoë loved that it was a soft spray so she kept putting her head underneath it.

hugging the Giraffe head

Getting Pampa all wet after each time she went down the slide

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a fun day with the temps. at +27 or higher for today. What are you going to do for Monday when it's calling for +29. I have no plans so far.
