Dreyton has been reaching some close milestones lately. He just got his second tooth, just a couple of days after his first. Here's a picture of his first tooth starting to come through, VERY hard to get a picture of.
He is sitting up really good these days and he's starting to get up on his hands and knees, trying very hard to start crawling. When Zoë started crawling it was a big transition as she wasn't that much of a roller, but Dreyton is a big roller. He will roll all over the living room and get into everything already. Needless to say I am a HUGE fan of the play pen right now. He can be in the playroom with Zoë, without me worrying about him getting into stuff he shouldn't be.
He's also holding his own bottle very well too.
He is growing up very fast Kristy. I can't wait to see you guys, whenever you come down here. I don't know when we'll be heading up there next time. In 2 weeks from today(I'm speaking on Saturday terms here) we'll be in Kelowna for 1.5 weeks.