Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sugar Cookies

Lee had a couple days off from studying and school so we decided to make sugar cookies. Zoë is becoming such a good helper in the kitchen, she can do some of the prepping for me which helps out a bit. If we have something baking in the oven she brings a chair and sits down and watches it cook, she finds it fascinating.

Putting the flour in (VERY messy)

Mixing time

Taste test

Making the bell shapes

Taste test again while iciing (only had red food colouring so decided to make pink cookies)

Dreyton's turn to taste test

She loves to do funny faces at the camera

Friday, November 28, 2008

Ho Ho Ho

We had a fun day today baking Christmas sugar cookies and then going to West Edmonton Mall for all the free rides and to see Santa Clause. It was both Zoë's and Dreyton's first time meeting Santa and I was very impressed at how they did. I love this picture of them on Santa's lap cause they both do the same thing when they are nervous, which is put there fingers in there mouth. Zoë asked Santa for a choo choo train for Christmas, and Dreyton was just thinking this guy looked funny. The set that Santa was in was in a movie called Christmas in Wonderland which is based in West Edmonton Mall (I don't suggest anyone watch it though, as it wasn't very good).

Today I went to Zellers for this moonlight madness sale they were having so I could get a train table for the kids for Christmas which was 60% off regular price. When I got there, there was about 20 people waiting for the train tables to come out and when they did there was only 6 table sets. Everyone went crazy and started grabbing and pulling to get one, so I went in and got in a battle for one with this one lady. I won.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lee's obsession

There is one thing that will drive Lee up the wall crazy, holes in clothes. As soon as he spots the smallest hole in a sock he has to rip it up to the point of mutilation. We were watching a movie in the evening and Lee spots a small hole in my elbow of my black hoodie so the next thing I know he is ripping my clothes apart like a crazy man. He ripped my pocked off my shirt, ripped the front completely off, AND ripped half of the sleeve off. Beware if holes in jeans ever become the style again.

simliar to the shirt BEFORE Lee attacked

AFTER the mutilation

Monday, November 24, 2008

My poor boy

Dreyton and I have been sick last night and today with a fun head cold. My poor boy has just laid on me all morning, or if I put him on the floor to play he will just lay down on something and fall asleep in our living room. Here he is falling asleep in our living room clutching onto the baby thermometer.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas on the Square

We decided to go to churchill square tonight and look at the light set up with Heather and Dan and the kids. Zoë had a blast looking at all the lights and afterwards we went on the c-train on a little detour before heading home, Dreyton as usual slept through most of it. Landon had fun pushing the emergency button on the train and Zoë had fun entertaining other people on the train asking them if they're having fun. I forgot my camera but luckily Heather had hers to take some pics of the night.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Zonked Out

Zoë decided she was too big to have a nap today. I had her in her room for 1 1/2 hours in which she decided to play, read, and jump around until eventually I came and got her. After awhile of her playing and watching some cartoons I found her like this..

...luckily for me her naps are not over yet

Dreyton on the other hand will fall asleep anywhere, we didn't want him to sleep after our car ride one day so we had him sleep in the living room while his sister ran around him trying to wake him up and we were shuffling around. Apparently he can sleep through anything as he never woke up until after awhile.

Dreyton's new haircut

Only time I was able to get a video of him taking a few steps was while he was fussy

Dreyton double wave hello, my kids always seem to have a wave of there own.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hooded Towels

I went to a baby shower a couple of months ago and saw a present that I wanted to duplicate. She had made her own hooded towels just with a towel and a washcloth. I thought it was a great idea as I find the hooded towels you buy at stores don't absorb anything and are just not great quality.

Kerplunk! Kersplash!

Zoë and Dreyton have been in swimming lessons for the last couple of weeks at the Bonnie Doon swimming pool. It's a family class so they can be in at the same time. Obviously I haven't been able to get pictures of them as all 4 of us are in the water usually, but Dreyton wasn't feeling well today so we sat on the sidelines and I was able to get a few pics.

They have the kids splash this boat around to practice kicking.

She was saying cheese the whole time she was on her back because she saw I had my camera out

Practicing jumping and going under water

Proud of herself that she did it

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First Snowfall

Our first snowfall of the year was on Remembrance day.

Standard First Aid Course

Last weekend Lee watched the kids for 2 days while I went to a standard first aid class. I had been wanting too for awhile as I think every parent should go and learn, and this was the perfect time to do it. Lee had no work that weekend and I got a $150 class to $30 with my low income pass.
It was very good for Lee to have the kids for the two days, he sure did above and beyond to show that he could do it. He cleaned the house while watching them, and on Sunday he took them to church and even taught his Sunday School class.
It is a nice relief to know if I ever had to be in that situation where i'd have to use my training that i would know what to do. We learned a variety of things like CPR, what to do with diabetics, strokes, seizures, heart attacks, burns, many different kinds of injuries, and even legal aspects of what I can and cannot do.

These are the dolls we practiced on when we weren't role playing with each other

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

Lights, Camera, Action

My camera was starting to break down, so I was lucky to get my Christmas present a little early from Lee. I have officially joined the clan of SLR cameras. Click on this link here to see it. I used to be very hesitant to buy one before, because they didn't have video mode on these cameras and they were too big. Luckily the new Nikon D90 has finally come out with a video mode, now I just have to learn how to use it. This will be a huge task, even for me!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Red Light, Green Light

I have never seen Zoë love a toy SO much as she does this cozy coupe game. You can click here to see the game. It's a car and you plug it into a TV and its a toddler car game where you can't die or get in an accident, pretty much each road you take, takes you to a different path. You learn shapes, #'s, colours, animals etc. She LOVES pointing out all the things she passes like, frogs, pigs, the rain, the airplane. It's only $15 at walmart.