Last weekend Lee watched the kids for 2 days while I went to a standard first aid class. I had been wanting too for awhile as I think every parent should go and learn, and this was the perfect time to do it. Lee had no work that weekend and I got a $150 class to $30 with my low income pass.
It was very good for Lee to have the kids for the two days, he sure did above and beyond to show that he could do it. He cleaned the house while watching them, and on Sunday he took them to church and even taught his Sunday School class.
It is a nice relief to know if I ever had to be in that situation where i'd have to use my training that i would know what to do. We learned a variety of things like CPR, what to do with diabetics, strokes, seizures, heart attacks, burns, many different kinds of injuries, and even legal aspects of what I can and cannot do.
These are the dolls we practiced on when we weren't role playing with each other