Dreyton is starting to let go of things and stand for a few seconds on his own What kid doesn't like to climb on there dad I had to do an impromptu wash in Zoë's hair even though she had one earlier, so I washed her hair in the sink like my mom would do to me sometimes. Zoë LOVED it.
Yay for counter-shampoos! I started that, Kristy; all the Naylor kids had their shampoos that way when they were little enough to fit on the available space. Worked very well indeed, even better than your conventional bathtub washes, as it was much more effective in rinsing the soap out. And look at Dreyton, the earliest walker in the whole fam. He'll be off and running at 9 mos.
Yay for counter-shampoos! I started that, Kristy; all the Naylor kids had their shampoos that way when they were little enough to fit on the available space. Worked very well indeed, even better than your conventional bathtub washes, as it was much more effective in rinsing the soap out. And look at Dreyton, the earliest walker in the whole fam. He'll be off and running at 9 mos.