Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Today we went to the cannery and canned a bunch of food storage for a few of us. I have never been to the cannery before so it was an interesting experience. They sure have everything very organized there and we were able to get done fairly quick. Here's a picture of Dayna, my mom and me, aren't we styling.


  1. LOL !!

    that's all I gotta say...

  2. OK you peoples....give us a break. We already know we look like DORKS

  3. I hope you got to keep the hats.
    It's just nice to see y'all. I've been away.
    Nice gloves, by the way. So what did ya can, Kristy?

  4. we canned a tonne of stuff, not all for us, alot of it was for my parents neighbours. We canned
    1. dried onions
    2. fruit drink
    3. hot chocolate
    4. potato flakes
    5. dried carrots
    6. dried milk
    7. flour

    i might be missing one or two but that's most of them.

  5. oh you should have done some refried beans.

    They are deeelicious.

  6. That's your opinion LR on the refried beans. Sorry I haven't found them to my taste, so far. And FLOUR? Don't get that one. Now the challenge will be to use the stuff on occasion, you are supposed to be constantly recycling your food storage, otherwise, what's the use of it? Would you actually use any of it in case of dire emergency? Shorty.

  7. Kristy-those are cool things to can. i've never canned anything, looks like fun. knowing how to store food for best preservation, nothing seals freshness like a can. keeping wheat in big bags for years at a time for example doesn't exactly keep it from sucking up all the odours and humidity around it. and, it can attract little crawly pests.
