Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Going Crazy

THIS boy is going to give me a heart attack one day. I REALLY hope I don't have another boy as I don't know if my heart can handle it. He is the BIGGEST monkey known to man, such a daredevil. He thinks it's SO funny to make me gasp in horror, earlier he was putting his legs on the top of the slide and dangling upside down while holding on to the sides as well.

Dreyton standing on top of the slide bouncing up and down while not holding onto anything


  1. It seems like he likes to test his limits and yours as well. Just him trying to figure out what he can do. Are they in gymnastics. He might like that, since he seems to like tumbling around.

  2. Kristy, you have my sympathy! I had one like that too (your Aunt Linda) who climbed everything, inside and out. I remember one time hauling her down off the top of the kitchen cupboards, and yelling at her and she smiles and says "I'm just up here trying to be a monkey"

    Sorry I have to sign in as Anonymous, I write my password down on post it notes, but they fall off my computer and self-destruct.

  3. wow this posttitle had me in a panic, i thought someone in your fam had a heart attack

  4. holy moly, has Dreyton ever grown. I agree, what a monkey. Your kids are just plain ADORABLE!
